Written by Eden Davis, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and co-owner of Pearl Wellness Practice
Are you currently battling complications related to PCOS? Do you feel alone and frustrated at times with this diagnosis? Pearl Wellness Practice is running a 5-week support group to validate, educate, and empower the PCOS community.
Who Should Join?
This group is for adults who are 18 or older and reside in the United States. The group will be held virtually, so participants can join from wherever they'd like. Whether you've just been diagnosed with PCOS or have been living with this condition for years, this group can be beneficial.
What is the Structure?
The group will be ran by our in-house Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. Each week, space will be provided for group members to chat, build community, and have their questions answered. Topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to: an overview of PCOS, debunking common myths, gentle nutrition, mindful movement, and body image. Each week participants will receive handouts, worksheets, activities, and materials that best support their needs. Our providers work through a Health at Every Size and intuitive living approach for treatment, which will be integrated into this group. Weight loss, restriction, and dieting are not only unnecessary for PCOS, but are also not backed by any body of research. Our clinicians incorporate evidence-based practices and work through a weight inclusive approach.
How do I Sign Up for the PCOS Group?
Those interested in joining our community can fill out the interest form linked here. After completing this form, one of our providers will reach out with further information. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please let us know. We'd be happy to schedule a complimentary consultation call to discuss this group in further detail.